Oct 4, 2018

New York Film Festival Coverage (Updated 11/6)

My coverage of several films at the festival begins with Robert Minervini's What You Gonna Do When the World's on Fire?

A still from "What You Gonna Do" is of the King brothers, Titus and Ronaldo (L-R).

Here is a link to my post on the documentary's press screening and post-screening Q&A (on Film Journal International's Screener Blog): http://www.filmjournal.com/what-you-gonna-do-when-worlds-fire-illuminates-african-american-lives-new-orleans-and-jackson-ms

Here is a link to my interview with Jia Zhangke for Ash is the Purest White, on the main slate at the New York Film Festival: http://www.filmjournal.com/features/crime-and-passion-jia-zhangkes-ash-purest-white-time-spanning-story-love-and-betrayal