Mar 24, 2015

Fragments for Spring . . .

This is a photo I took in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, fondly known as the "UP" to the locals. It has little to do with what is posted below. It just reminds me of spring, which is getting a slow start in New York City this year!

Glitches on Film Journal International's website remain, so some of my links are still broken. A spring cleaning and rebooting is imminent.

My review of Abderrahmane Sissako's "Timbuktu" appears in the latest print edition of Cineaste (

Please check my FB page for updates on my book: "Cinematic Quests for Identity: The Hero's Encounter with the Beast" also has an Amazon page now: Click on my name to see the "Author Page."

Finally, it must be Spring in New York City because the Tribeca Film Festival press screenings begin later this week. My coverage will be published online at FJI's "Screener Blog" in April.